Program CrowdBot

Tweetable Sketch Name

Optional contact:
Twitter (@mapmeld) or e-mail (

Data streaming

Write Sketch or Select


  • pinMode( PIN# , INPUT or OUTPUT )
    prepares a pin to read or write information
  • digitalWrite( PIN# , HIGH or LOW )
    turns the pin on or off / GND
  • delay( milliseconds )
    waits before continuing to the next line
  • analogRead( PIN# )
    returns sensor value from 0 (off) to 1024 (full-on)
  • digitalRead( PIN# )
    returns sensor value as HIGH or LOW
  • #include <Servo.h>
    Servo myservo;
    paste at start of code to allow motor control
  • myservo.attach(9);
    Prepare servo motor inside setup
  • myservo.write( 0 <= val <= 179 )
    Turn motor to 0-179 degrees
  • Serial.begin( 9600 )
    connect computer and Arduino over USB/serial port
  • Serial.println( # or "" )
    output a message (number or text) to the computer
  • Serial.println("DONE")
    start the next program
  • Custom functions:
    add definition such as void dot(); at the beginning of the program